Democratic Party Rejects Biden, Eyes Alternatives


Washington: Members of the Democratic Party have rejected current President Joe Biden as the US presidential candidate. In the survey conducted in this regard, 48 percent people still do not want Biden as a presidential candidate. Only 38 percent of people disagreed with the proposal to find another candidate before the November elections.

Most of the people said that former President Barack Obama's wife Michelle Obama should be the President. While 20 percent said Michelle Obama should be president, current Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, California Governor Gaville Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer also have the support of Democrats. 27 percent people expressed the opinion that they are none of them.

15 percent of people expressed the opinion that Kamala Harris should come as the presidential candidate instead of Biden. Michelle Obama's response to the question of whether she would be a presidential candidate was that she was not interested. At the same time, Kamala Harris, who said that she is ready to lead the country, had raised severe criticism against Biden's critics.

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