Qatar's Support for Injured Palestinians

Qatar medical aid

Doha: Asupa in Qatar with injuries on his mind and body Visit and comfort loved ones undergoing treatment at Trikal. Because Palestine Health Minister Dr. Mai Al Khaila. Following the directive of the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani The minister visited those who were brought to Doha for treatment.

About 1,500 people, including women, children and the elderly, were brought to Qatar. Amir knew Tsa Nalkum. Health care for children undergoing treatment at Sidra Medicine Conditions and nature of injuries Hospital authorities Palestine Gyamantri was dressed.

Treatment plans and living facilities in Qatar for children Doctors and hospital authorities about Rum explained for the health minister. Skilled and experienced healthcare professionals and state-of-the-art Best hospitals with state of the art medical equipment Dr. Qatar's efforts to receive and treat the sick Praised by Mai Al Khaila.

Health Minister visits a Palestinian boy injured in the war

Relating to the Partial Restoration of the Palestinian Health Constitution Qatar Public Health Minister Dr. The meeting with Hanan Muhammed Al Kuwari was held by him. died

Violation of international laws, conventions and charters Israel's Occupation and Violations and the Devastation The Palestinian Health Minister added that it is very large. Health activists arrested for airstrike and massacre It also eliminates the health system and medical and essential supplies to Gaza. Israeli occupation forces block aid delivery of goods They pointed out the activities of

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