The Impact of Sci-Fi: Echo Episode 4 Inspiring Future Tech

Future Tech

Warning: May contain spoilers for Echo Episode 4

Science fiction has a history of inspiring the growth of technology. Many seemingly fantastic ideas from movies and books have become everyday realities, and we can see that research in robotics and machine learning is driven by inspiration from science fiction depictions of intelligent machines.

Science fiction authors and filmmakers often envision and explore possible futures. But the action-packed Echo miniseries released as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is also an inspiration. The series tells the story of Maya Lopez, known as ‘Echo’, a deaf American assassin who has the ability to accurately mimic anyone’s movements and fighting style.

Maya uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate. Wilson Fisk (also King Pin) gives Maya Lopez smart augmented reality contact lenses in the fourth episode. With that, Maya can see the Kingpin speaking in sign language form.

Image Credit: Disney+

Meanwhile, Maya’s sign language will be processed by an automated translator and sent as words to the ear buds worn by Wilson Fisk. Maybe this movie will inspire some researcher to come up with a technology that will be very useful for deaf and dumb people tomorrow.

AI programs like Slate are currently experimenting with artificial intelligence capabilities to interpret sign language like speech. But it’s taking time to evolve into something as subtle and just a contact lens and earbud as seen on the Echo.

If you ask someone born 2 centuries ago about the phone, they will say it is science fiction or magic. While it is important to note that not all science fiction ideas become reality, they may remain purely fictional due to ethical concerns, technological limitations, or incompatibility with human needs. However, the influence of science fiction on the world of technology remains undeniable.

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