Maruti Suzuki's Electric Air Copters: Revolutionizing Urban Mobility

Maruti Suzuki electric copters

13 February 2024, 11:14 AM IST

Suzuki Motor Corporation is partnering with SkyDrive, a company that launched a flying car concept in Japan in 2018.

Skydrive Electric Air Copter | Photo: Skydrive2020

The country’s largest car maker, Maruti Suzuki, plans to manufacture electric copters in India. The target is electric copters that are smaller than helicopters and larger than drones, capable of carrying three people including the pilot. Can land on top of buildings. This move by Maruti Suzuki is part of its aim to prepare new mobility systems.

Suzuki Motor Corporation is partnering with SkyDrive, a company that launched a flying car concept in Japan in 2018. The two companies have agreed to launch electric copters in Japan and the US. It is expected that such electric copters may be delivered to India in the second phase. Maruti believes that such a system will pave the way for a big change in the transport sector.

The plant in Iwada City, Japan is on track to start production in 2024. In January, the company signed an MoU with the government to implement SkyDrive operations in Gujarat. Suzuki aims to introduce electric air copters called SkyDrive at the 2025 Osaka Expo in Japan. The head of Suzuki informed that the steps for this have been started.

Maruti aims to introduce this technology prepared by Suzuki in India as part of the Make in India project. Suzuki has informed that Maruti Suzuki has started research in India to learn about the partners and users who will cooperate to bring electric copters to India. The company’s assessment is that it will be successful only if it is prepared at the lowest possible cost.

The main difference between a helicopter and an airplane is that it weighs less than half the weight of a normal helicopter. The weight of the air copter will be 1.4 tons. Therefore, they can land on top of buildings and take off from here. Since it works on electric power, there is a huge reduction in the number of parts of the helicopter. It is estimated that this will reduce the construction cost and repair work.

Content Highlights: Maruti suzuki is developing electric air copter in make in India initiative

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