Macron: Defeat of Russia Essential for Europe Security


Paris: French President Emmanuel Macron said that the defeat of Russia is essential for the security of Europe and he cannot rule out sending his own forces to fight alongside the Ukrainian forces.

In Paris, he also said European leaders had approved a special alliance to provide Ukraine with medium- and long-range missiles and bombs. However, he said, there was no unanimity about sending Western forces to Ukraine. Russia has recently made major gains over Ukraine, which is suffering from a severe arms shortage after Western aid has dwindled.

Russia says that NATO forces will worsen the situation

Moscow: Russia and NATO face off if NATO troops arrive to fight Ukraine Kremlin says war will be inevitable. After French President Macron gave instructions on NATO military exercises is a violent response. NATO states are even discussing sending troops to Ukraine. It is a very important and serious matter' – Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peshkov said. At the same time, NATO has made it clear that it will not send troops.

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