Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: Qatar's UN Initiative

Gaza humanitarian crisis

Doha: Debate over humanitarian crisis in Gaza Qatar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Gamay, Sheikha Alya Ahmad B. Nth Saif Al Thani, Senior Humanitarian in Gaza at the U.N. Interview with Sigrid Kager, Reconstruction Coordinator came

The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Qatar Permanent Mission in New York. Alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip The two diplomatic leaders discussed ties with Mai. Need to go to Gaza Qatar and U.N. to speed up delivery of humanitarian aid There was also a discussion about improving cooperation.

Funding for the UN’s Palestine Refugee Agency is temporary. A number of states have declared a ban on Discussion of high-level diplomatic representatives. Last Wednesday Pres. In the latest report of the UN OHCHR, At least 26,900 people have been killed so far. 65,949 Palestinians were injured. Israeli Air, Ground and Naval Attacks on Gaza The report also pointed out that the health sector was broken. Many hospitals were destroyed in the attacks. Remaining Hospitals Medicine, Blood Donation, Clean Water, Fuel A Their serious shortage is imminent.

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