Biden's Nevada Primary Focus

Nevada Democratic primary

Nevada ∙ After his primary victory in South Carolina, US President Joe Biden is focusing on Nevada, where the Democratic primary is taking place. Both Biden and the party are pleased that Biden’s insistence on holding the party’s first primary in South Carolina has seen the intended results.

Biden won the 2020 primary by less than 3% of the vote over his opponent. After 2008, the state is known as Democratic. In December, Biden visited Nevada and said Nevada would benefit more from $8 billion in statewide rail projects. All this is considered to have changed in favor of Biden. But in the New York Times Sienna opinion poll, Biden’s approval rating in Nevada is 36%, causing concern. But the rivals have not been able to mount a challenge even nominally. The strategy used by Biden to win votes is to argue that former President Donald Trump poses a great threat to US democratic values. Observers are of the opinion that it remains to be seen how far the voters will accept this.


US President Joe Biden is focusing on the upcoming Democratic primary in Nevada

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