Unsolved Mystery: London Chemical Attack Stumps Police

Clapham Chemical Attack

London – The police have not been able to catch the accused even after four days in the chemical attack on a woman and two girls in Clapham, South London. It has become a big embarrassment for the Metropolitan Police that the accused’s movements have been seen on CCTV cameras at many places and yet the accused has not been caught. Police have announced a reward of up to £20,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect. On Wednesday evening, a man attacked the three and eight-year-old girls and their 31-year-old mother with chemicals, shocking the residents and the police. Although the police confirm that it was not an acid attack, a chemical that causes severe burns to the body was used in the attack. The police had earlier confirmed that the assailant was Abdul Shukur Izidi who came from Newcastle.

The injured woman and children are still in the hospital. The woman’s condition is critical. But Metropolitan Police Commander John Savell said that the children survived the danger. The last information received is that the suspect who carried out the attack boarded the Victoria line from London King’s Cross station at nine o’clock on Wednesday night. The suspect, who came to Britain in a lorry from Afghanistan in 2016, is accused in the 2018 sexual assault case. The reason why he came to London and committed the violence is not clear.


Despite four days of investigation, the London chemical attack remains unsolved

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