China’s Maglev Train Breaks Own Speed Record

maglev train

623 km speed, China’s maglev train broke the record China’s Maglev Train That “Levitates” Above Track Breaks Own Speed ​​Record 623 km

Manorama writer

Published: February 17, 2024 09:44 AM IST

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Maglev Train, Image Source: People’s Daily, China | Facebook

In the field of transportation, China is conducting many experiments combining advanced technology and high speed. One of the most important is the magnetically levitated or maglev train. The maglev train is currently in the news for breaking its own speed record of 623 kmph. China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation shared the news that this train broke the first record.

CASIC’s claim is that the test run was conducted through a two kilometer long low-vacuum tube and was able to beat the first record. It is the first time an ultra-fast hyperloop train has achieved a steady speed through a low-vacuum tube. The South China Morning Post reported that this is part of a much larger movement, quoting CASIC.

With the above achievement, China is on the verge of achieving the dream-like achievement of trains that can travel faster than airplanes, according to the report of the South China Morning Post. Maglev technology is used in such trains. It is the magnetic force that helps the train to move forward without going off track even when running at high speed. The train travels through a specially designed low-vacuum tube to achieve higher speeds.

According to CASIC, the objective of this trial run was not only to break the record of high speed, but also to see if the various technologies used were effective. The agency also stated that they have a high speed flyer project in front of them with a target of 1000 km per hour in collaboration with Aerospace and Terrestrial Rail Transport. The vehicle tube and track perform well in this new test. A heavy train like maglev travels through it without any kind of fall. CASIC added that operations and security arrangements were effectively implemented as expected.

The China National Space Administration and the CASIC Department are currently working on building a next-generation commercial aerospace electromagnetic launch system for the country.


Auto News, China’s Maglev Train That “Levitates” Above Track Breaks Own Speed ​​Record

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