Global Cancer Crisis: 77% Surge Predicted by 2050

cancer crisis

Geneva: The number of cancer patients will increase by 77 percent by 2050, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the World Health Organization’s cancer agency. It is warned that there will be 3.5 crore cases per year. Air pollution, wrong lifestyle and use of tobacco and alcohol are cited as the reasons.

The majority of countries do not adequately fund priority cancer and palliative care services as part of universal health care, according to a survey report by the World Health Organization in 115 countries. Although progress has been made in the early detection, treatment and care of cancers, the organization points out the disparity in this regard in different countries.

Poor countries have insufficient resources for treatment and care. The Agency for Research on Cancer also proposes that coordination and cooperation be needed at the international level to solve this problem.

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