Are Unbranded Alloy Wheels the Culprit?

Alloy wheels

Are substandard alloy wheels the villain? SUV Malaccam overturned 6 times Auto News, Unbranded Allow Wheels Can Be Very Risky Are unbranded alloy wheels the villain? SUV Malaccam overturned 6 times: video

Manorama writer

Published: February 20, 2024 12:36 PM IST

Read 1 minute


New alloy wheels are generally the first update people do after buying a vehicle. It is true that the alloy wheels with more spokes and bright colors add beauty to the vehicle. However, this accident and the video that happened some time ago is a bad sign for those who buy cheap alloy wheels looking for profit. The video is of a Toyota Fortuner that was involved in an accident with substandard alloy wheels.

What can be seen in the footage is a vehicle upside down. A large-sized alloy wheel can also be seen scattered nearby. It is not possible to understand in the video what caused the crash of the alloy wheel. However, eyewitnesses describe that the vehicle, which was traveling at moderate speed, overturned 6 times due to a broken alloy wheel spoke. It is clear that the accident vehicle has alloy wheels and tires that are larger than the size of the vehicle.

One of the alloy wheels may have cracked after hitting a big pothole or something. Damage to the spokes can also cause an accident. And the accident happened here when the wheel and spoke separated. The center and hub of the accident wheel cannot be seen in the scene.

Alloy wheels

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) alloy wheels are fitted to the vehicle only after undergoing several tests. Constructed of quality metal frames, they withstand shocks and are also resistant to breakage.

But cheap and bulky-looking alloy wheels can sometimes be similarly substandard in construction. Most aftermarket alloy wheels that aren’t the best brands have poor impact resistance over potholes and speed breakers. When they are unable to withstand the impact of high speed and the weight of the vehicle, they will rupture.

Apart from the vehicle in the footage, there have also been reports of accidents due to similar wheel failure.

Wheels bought with the expectation of cheapness and extra size invite accidents. It is advisable to use tires and alloy wheels of the size prescribed for the vehicle.


Auto News, Unbranded Allow Wheels Can Be Very Risky

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