Ideological Clash: Biden vs Netanyahu

Biden vs Netanyahu

angers U.S. officials; The Washington Post says that the infighting between Netanyahu and Joe Biden is increasing

New York: The Washington Post says that US President Joe Biden is ideologically at war with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Washington Post is releasing such a report after the White House expressed displeasure with the increasing level of Israeli aggression against the Palestinians in Gaza.

According to the post, Netanyahu is moving forward by violating Joe Biden’s instructions and the American president is disappointed in that.

Currently, Biden and his top aides do not see Netanyahu as a productive partner, the Washington Post said, citing several sources. The post also points out that the US President is giving importance to his political survival.

Government sources also said Netanyahu was openly defying the US by rejecting US-led negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza and insisting on a military strike.

According to the report, Biden, who has known Netanyahu for more than 40 years, has so far been reluctant to make his personal views public, according to the country’s public. The Washington Post also reported that Netanyahu has angered US officials several times over the past few days.

The report also noted that Biden issued a security memorandum to restrict decisions by U.S. arms-buying countries, including blocking humanitarian aid, amid reports of declining popularity in the country.

Content Highlight: The Washington Post says that the infighting between Netanyahu and Joe Biden is increasing

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