Guinness Record: Toy Car Flies at 148 km/h

Guinness World Records

148 km fast! Guinness record by flying in a toy car | Auto News, Man modifies toy car, goes for a ride, wins the Guinness World Record 148 km fast! Guinness record by flying in a toy car

There are no children who are not interested in driving toy cars. But even as an adult, there is no end to that desire, Marcel Paul, an engineering student in Germany, has also acquired a world record through it. Paul holds the record by traveling at high speed in a modified toy car. Marcel Paul drove his toy car at a speed of 148.454 km/h.

Guinness World Records has shared this record achievement of Paul on their Instagram page. Paul’s performance at the Hockenheimring race track leaves everyone in awe. Paul’s racing was widely noticed on social media. In a single day, 6.5 lakh people watched the video and got 21000 likes. It is needless to say that Marcel Paul’s endeavor, which made everyone’s childhood dream come true, impressed the viewers a lot.

The video, which has gone viral on social media, has many comments below. For the price of a bicycle, the comments go on saying that Ferrari and the record holder have done very well even though it is very dangerous. Guinness World Records praised Paul’s achievement of this rare achievement as a result of ten months of dedication and research.


Auto News, Man modifies toy car, goes for a ride, wins the Guinness World Record

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