US F-16 Fighter Jet Crashes Off South Korea's West Coast

fighter jet crash

Seoul: A US F-16 fighter jet has crashed off the west coast of South Korea. South Korea-based Yonhap news agency released the news of the accident. The pilot escaped from the crashed plane.

The accident occurred 180 km south of Seoul at 8:41 am local time. The downed fighter jet belonged to the 8th Fighter Wing at Kunsan Air Base.

The pilot who escaped from the crashed plane has been found during the search. The South Korean authorities and the US have said that there is no need to worry about the health of the pilot and that an investigation has been launched to find out the cause of the accident. Officials also informed.

This is the third incident this year in which an American F-16 has crashed. Last December, an F-16 of the 8th Fighter Wing crashed in the Yellow Sea. In May, an F-16 from the 51st Fighter Wing crashed near Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, 60 kilometers from Seoul.

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