Malaysia's New King, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar: A Wealthy Powerhouse

Malaysia's New King

New Delhi: The 65-year-old Johar Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, who took over as the new king of Malaysia, is reportedly the owner of huge wealth. He owns $5.7 billion in assets and an empire bigger than the country. Sultan owns many industries like real estate, mining, telecommunications, oil etc. The Sultan’s official residence, Istana Bukit Serene, illustrates the extent of his family estate.

The family owns over 300 luxury cars, including one gifted by Adolf Hitler, and several private jets, including a gold and blue Boeing 737, as well as a private army. According to a Bloomberg report, Sultan Ibrahim is estimated to have a net worth of $5.7 billion, but many believe that his net worth is even higher.

He also owns a 24% stake in Malaysia’s leading telephone service provider, U Mobile. Apart from this, there is a total stake of 588 million dollars in private and public institutions. According to reports, the Sultan also owns four billion worth of land in the country, including Tyersal Park, which is close to Singapore’s botanic gardens.

In the current political situation in Malaysia, Sultan Ibrahim can have a huge impact on the country. His close ties to Singaporean leaders and business partnerships with important Chinese developers are seen as leveraging both domestic and foreign policy.

Content Highlights: 300 Cars, Private Army, Jets: Malaysia’s New King’s Incredible Wealth

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