Apple Watch Saves Woman's Life During In-Flight Medical Emergency

Rome: A doctor helped a young woman who had trouble breathing on an Italian flight. The doctor saved the woman’s life with the help of Apple Watch. The doctor was able to understand the health problem of the young woman through the special feature of the smart watch.

Dr. Rashid Riaz tried to find the oxygen level in the body of the young woman who was suffering from breathing problem. But it could not be detected using the device available on the plane. The doctor then asked if anyone had an Apple Watch.

It was possible to understand through the smartphone that the woman’s body did not have enough oxygen. The doctor figured this out using the blood oxygen app on the watch. Then the doctor treated the woman using the oxygen cylinder in the plane. The doctor relied on an Apple Watch to monitor the woman’s oxygen levels throughout the flight. After the plane landed, the woman was shifted to the hospital.

Currently this app is not available on smart watch. Because there is a patent dispute between Apple and the medical technology company regarding the blood oxygen app. This feature is not included in the new range of Ultra 2 Apple Watches.

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