AI Controversy in U.S. Election: Voice Bot Scandal Unveiled

Since the similarity in the name, it is the opposition party to give the job to the incumbent. Well, let’s bring someone else. But the U.S. is putting the native self down on his other side. in Dean Feeley, representative of the race for president. Pang, ‘AI Aparane’ was tried to get down. In the voice of Dean Phillips, talk to voters as Dean. The game was created by ‘Voice Bot’. But when the matter came to light, the experts who developed the ‘bot’ Getting it. Matt Cree, an expert at OpenAI, the inventor of Chat GPT Ziloff and Jed Somers were sold for 10 lakh dollars. Bitten. Following this, Buddhi Vidya Duru was created against company policy. Action is being taken against both of them for use. Pun A.I.

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