India's Role in Global Peace: 75 Years of Democratic Values

Republic Day Celebration1

PHILADELPHIA – India, as a free democratic republic, upholds values ​​that enable it to stand as a hub of world peace in this century. India, the largest democratic country and America, the oldest democratic country, with the sense of rights of ‘We the People’, which have written constitutional preambles, are able to lift up the pigeons of world peace by flapping their wings. After 75 years of India becoming a Republic, it is evident that India is the hub of world peace” – Nainan Mathai, Chairman of ORMA International Charity Forum and President of WMC Philadelphia Province, delivered the keynote address at the India Republic Day Celebration at Bensalem Day Care Center.

Jack Patel, Dimples Desai and Rekha Patel spoke. India’s Republic Day celebrations at the Bensalem Day Care Center in Bristol, Pennsylvania, Bucks County, included a variety of art performances and a celebratory feast.

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