Trump Triumphs in New Hampshire GOP Primary

New Hampshire: Former American President Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary to elect the Republican Party’s presidential candidate. Trump won 55 percent of the vote. Opposing candidate Nikki Haley received 44 percent of the vote. The final result is not out.

Republicans and independent voters cast ballots in the New Hampshire primary. Congratulating Trump’s victory, Nikki Haley said she will not withdraw from the race. Nikki said that she will contest in the upcoming primaries as well.

The next Republican primaries will be held in Nevada and South Carolina. Nikki Haley is from South Carolina.

Trump’s opponent in the November presidential election is Joe Biden. Biden has won the New Hampshire primary. South Carolina’s Democratic primary will be held on February 3.

Nikki, of Indian descent, was the US diplomatic representative to the United Nations. Halle. He is a former governor of South Carolina. The campaign of 52-year-old Nikki Haley pointed out the age of 77-year-old Trump.

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