Maldives President Faces Impeachment Amidst China Controversy

Maldives President Impeachment

Male: Opposition moves to impeach Maldives President Mohamed Muisu. The main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is planning to impeach the president.

Muizu, who is strongly pro-China, has recently come under fire for allowing a Chinese spy ship to anchor in the country. There was a big uproar in Parliament over this

It is reported that the opposition has started proceedings for impeachment in Parliament. The MDP is making a move against Muizu in alliance with the Democrats. It is reported that 34 members, including representatives of MDP and Democrats, have supported the impeachment motion.

Maldives’ relations with India have deteriorated since Muisu took office as president. The issue started over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep.

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