Ola Electric's MoveOS 4 Update: Enhanced Features for Ola Scooters

Ola Electric has released MoveOS 4 software update bringing more features to Ola scooters. In the first phase, only Ola S1 Gen 1 scooters like Ola S1 Pro (2nd generation) and S1 Air will get the new OS. The software update will also roll out to other Ola scooters in the coming months.

The facility to locate scooters through the Ola Electric app will now be available through MoveOS 4. Ola has also introduced a new navigation system on Maps. This will make the navigation more accurate. Customers’ favorite locations can also be added to the navigation with a modified layout.

Ola has also made changes to the Hill Descent Control feature. The main change is that cruise control can be used in Eco mode as well in the new OS. Built-in intelligence based auto turn off indicators, tamper and fall detection system all help the riders throughout the journey.

Geofencing and timefencing are the most important new features introduced by MoveOS4. Timefencing allows owners to limit the areas where scooters can be ridden. From now on, Ola scooters will also be able to decide which riding modes can be ridden in specific areas. Even if someone else goes with the scooter, the owners will have control over the riding mode through geofencing. The option to reset the passcode via Bluetooth or the cloud makes it easy to recover the password if you forget it.

Ride Journal is a new feature in the Ola Electric app. This way you can share your Ola scooter journey milestones with other Ola owners. Some widgets can also be viewed by consumers on smartphones. And dark mode has also started in Ola Electric app. Favorites only calling option, resettable trip meters and moods feature with changes will provide more convenience to Ola riders.


Auto News., Ola rolls out MoveOS 4 with New Features

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