India-France Anti-Terror Cooperation: A Unified Stand Against Global Threats

India-France Counter-Terrorism Cooperation

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron hailed the growing cooperation between India and France in the fight against terrorism. A joint statement issued between India and France said that they appreciate the growing counter-terrorism operations and intelligence cooperation between the two countries.

Both countries welcomed joint agency-level work against terrorism and formalized cooperation between India’s National Security Guard and France’s GIG. The joint statement followed Emmanuel Macron’s visit to India.

Both the leaders condemned terrorism including across the country’s borders. Both the leaders called for a united fight against global terrorism. It added that no country should provide a safe haven for those who financially and systematically support terrorist activities and engage in terrorist activities.

Both leaders condemned the October 7 attack on Israel. Both countries expressed their support to the people of Israel. In a statement issued between the two countries, it was said that humanitarian consideration including ceasefire is required. He also demanded the release of the hostages as soon as possible. In a joint statement released by both of them, they said that there should be an end to this and that the people of Israel and Palestine should have peace.

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