Controversial Conference: Israel's Push for Jewish Settlements in Gaza

Israel Gaza Conference

Gaza City: Israel on the theme of making Gaza a Jewish settlement center again Conference in Lille. Binyamin Netanyahu in the presence of cabinet leaders ‘Gassai’ International Convention Center in Jerusalem under the theme ‘Return to’ Thousands participated in the event called by RIL. As global protests against the genocide in Gaza continue strong Bhara with instructions to re-establish Teian Kudyeta Kendras The conference was called by the Likud Party and the ministers. Unauthorized settlement centers in Gaza 2005 Israeli government It was completely demolished and handed over to the Palestinians. This is the move to recover. ‘Restoring Jewish settlement in Gaza is a historic mistake’ Construction, housing department in Netanyahu’s cabinet Yishak Goldnoff said. Tourism Minister Haim Katz and Homeland Security Minister Ben Gavir were among those who started. taken

Although the majority of Israelis oppose Jewish settlement in Gaza The far-right party led by Netanyahu has recently made this demand stronger. Those who do. Days ago, over 100 Jewish immigrants gathered in trucks to Gaza. He was marching towards the border.

The congregation convened in Jerusalem under the leadership of senior ministers. Others in Netanyahu’s cabinet oppose ‘return to peace’ conference Lalvar has reached the stage. War Minister and former Army Major Gadi Eisenkot It Koo Tuttal accused the move as a move aimed at creating division. 17 million people who survived across Gaza were pushed to the Rafah border. Others that the meeting between the ticket holders is malicious. Rum says. By starving, denying medical treatment, breaking the bed and pressurizing them. Palestine is Israel’s target for deportation to many countries. The new move is due to the apprehensions of the people.

Meanwhile, Hamas will not accept the release of the hostages prepared by the American intelligence agency CIA. The US has proposed a two-month ceasefire in return for the release of all hostages. Hamas has made it clear that there will be no hostage exchange without a full withdrawal and cease-fire, although it has claimed that there will be a natural ceasefire after two months. The Hamas leadership says that this is a move by the US to protect Israel’s interests. But Israel is in a last-ditch effort to make the hostage exchange possible anyway. Netanyahu has called a cabinet meeting to discuss the issue.

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