Iran-Pakistan Diplomatic Tensions Eased: Foreign Ministers Resolve Issues

Iran-Pakistan Relations

Islamabad: Iran’s Foreign Minister Hussain Amir Abdullahiyan has arrived in Pakistan to resolve the tension in diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Iranian Foreign Minister will meet Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani and Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar.

The purpose of the Iranian Foreign Minister’s visit is to resolve the issues between the two countries through discussion. Meanwhile, both the countries have agreed to withdraw the decision to recall the ambassadors.

Iran’s air strike on Pakistan on January 16 led to the provocation. Jaish al-Adal group is targeted in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. Iran carried out missile and drone attacks. Following this, Pakistan retaliated on January 18.

Hideout of terrorists in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchistan province 9 people were killed in a missile attack by Pakistan Army targeting Lalpettu. Balochistan using killer drones, rocket launches Liberation Army (BLA) and Balochistan Liberation Front ( Accra is in the hideouts of terrorist organizations called BLF. It smelled.

Dosta, Sogat A. Nna Bajjar, Shafaq aka Saheel, Basham aka Asghar, Wasi aka Wazir The army says that the attack was carried out in the hideouts of R.

Then recall diplomatic representatives and cancel all previously scheduled bilateral high-level meetings. Both countries decided to However, a compromise was reached without going into further confrontation. As part of this, the Foreign Ministers of Pakistan and Iran spoke on the phone.

Using terrorist groups to carry out cross-border attacks Thailand, Pakistan and Iran have long accused each other of there is

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