Tragic Loss: Indian Student Neel Acharya Confirmed Dead at Purdue

Purdue University Indian student death

Indiana: Indian student Neel Acharya, who went missing from Purdue University in the US, has been confirmed dead. Neil Acharya went missing on January 28. Chris Clifton, head of the university’s computer science department, informed students and faculty of Neal’s death on Monday, media reported.

Neel Acharya’s mother informed through social media that her son, who is studying at Purdue University in the US, is missing and was last seen by an Uber driver who dropped him off at the university. The Consulate General of India in Chicago replied to Gauri Acharya that they would provide all possible support and assistance and that the consulate was in touch with Purdue University authorities.

Days earlier, an Indian student was beaten to death by an assailant inside a shop in Lithonia, Georgia. The video of the incident went viral on social media, but the date could not be confirmed. The authorities stated that the police immediately made an arrest. The body was handed over to the family on January 24.

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