Indian Navy Rescues Iranian Fishing Vessels from Somali Pirates

Gulf of Aden rescue

New Delhi: Indian Navy freed another Iranian fishing vessel hijacked by Somali pirates. The 19 Pakistani crew on board were rescued and the pirates were taken into custody. Indian warship INS Sumitra led the rescue operation.

The 11-member pirate crew hijacked the Iranian fishing vessel FV Al Naimi. 19 Pakistani crew on board were also taken hostage. The Indian Navy intercepted the hijacked ship, overpowered the pirates and freed the hostages.

Earlier in the day, the Iranian fishing vessel FV Iman was also freed by the Indian Navy with 17 crew members freed. After receiving the danger warning from the Iranian ship, I.N. .India has deployed a naval ship named S Sumitra to carry out the rescue mission. Th. Monitoring in the Gulf of Aden off the east coast of Somalia The bad news came during Tatunna. On receiving the message, the Indian forces intervened and killed the people on board the Iranian ship. and asked to release the ship. Indian ship’s Dhruv helicopter freed Iranian ship The need for counting was first raised by the Navy. But, the pirates were not ready for this. Subsequently, an extensive rescue mission was underway.

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