Global Governance Reform: Elon Musk Calls for UN Security Council Review

World billionaire Elon Musk said that it is absurd that India does not have permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council. A review is needed in UN organizations. Elon Musk also said that Africa needs permanent membership together.

How can we accept that Africa still lacks a single Permanent Member in the Security Council?

Institutions must reflect today’s world, not that of 80 years ago.

September’s Summit of the Future will be an opportunity to consider global governance reforms & re-build trust.

— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) January 20, 2024

Musk made his comments in a discussion following UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ ex-post. Guterres asked how we can accommodate the fact that there is not a single country from Africa on the Security Council. Organizations must adapt to today’s world. Don’t be 80 years old. The summit in September will be an opportunity to consider global governance reforms and restore trust, Guterres said.

At some point, there needs to be a revision of the UN bodies.

The problem is that those with excess power don’t want to give it up.

India not having a permanent seat on the Security Council, despite being the most populous country on Earth, is absurd.

Africa collectively should…

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 21, 2024

Musk’s response to this was that the United Nations institutions need revision in some areas. The problem is that those with more power are unwilling to give it up. It is absurd that India is not a permanent member of the Security Council despite being the most populous country in the world. Musk also suggested that Africa as a whole should be made permanent.

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