First Accident on Mumbai's Atal Setu Bridge Sparks Concerns

Many people come just to see and travel across the inaugurated Mumbai Trans Harbor Link (MTHL) bridge. The first accident on the Atal Setu bridge also took place last day, helping to reduce the local travel time to a large extent. The Ignis, which was traveling at high speed, lost control and crashed into the barricade. The footage of this has also been captured on the dash board of the vehicle that followed.

The accident happened when vehicles were passing through Atal Setu without any rush. In the video captured by the dashboard camera, a brake screeching sound is first heard from the left side. Then, from the left side, a vehicle that has lost control is speeding ahead. The video also shows the Ignis overturning once after hitting the barricade on the right side of the road and returning to its normal position.

It is unclear what caused the accident. At the same time, it is believed that the speed limit of Atal Setu Bridge, which is allowed up to 100 km per hour, may be the cause of the accident. The footage of the accident shows that the car was speeding. There is no evidence in the video that the drivers of the Ignis were in competition with any other vehicle. The cause of the accident may be that the tire of the vehicle lost its grip on the road while traveling at excessive speed.

Mumbai Police has registered a case against the occupants of the vehicle that caused the first accident on the Atal Setu Bridge. A case has been registered for dangerous driving. Two people were in the vehicle when the accident happened. They escaped without any major injuries. With so many CCTV cameras, the Mumbai Police will have no difficulty in getting evidence of the dangerous driving of the Ignis at MTHL.

While speed can be exciting, it can also lead to major accidents. Such irresponsible driving on public roads can invite legal action along with accidents. Those who drive at excessive speed not only endanger their lives but also the lives of other passengers on the road.


Auto News, First Accident On Mumbai’s New Atal Setu, Car Rams Railing And Flips Over

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